I have been cursing mother nature fairly regularly the last week or two. And while the cold is REALLY getting old, winter does, occasionally, bring some very picturesque scenes. I was sorting through some old photos (some getting VERY old now) and stumbled on these. So we'll call this a throw-back Saturday!
Having some abstract fun... Here's a few of the better ones. Maybe you see something different? Like a Rorschach test, there's no wrong answer, feel free to comment!
Butterfly... or Fairy?
Girl Power!
Girl with spiky hair praying
Zaphod Beeblebird
Duck face!
I just got home from the vacation. I still have some other pictures that I will share in the next couple of days, but wanted to get a quick entry done before I hit the hay.

This is something I've wanted to experiment with for a little while. With a little tenacity and timing, you can get a water balloon the moment the balloon rips away from it but the shape of the balloon remains... just before it falls apart completely. I might try to do some more experimenting with this at some point when I have an eager assistant like my cousin was this time...
Another bit of messing around in the kitchen... the creative type anyway. I've never tried doing timed exposures with sparklers before, and Lord knows the dollar store can provide all SORTS of weird and wonderful little things to entertain you for hours soooo...
    At some point when I have a model and an assistant and can run around outside, I'll do more with this sort of thing.

So I was supposed to do a shoot this evening with a model and a couple assistants - but the model/assistants bailed so I decided I still needed to get some shooting done because I need to try to keep up some momentum.

These are some of the results... kinda cool I think...